As the first week of the transparency negotiations comes to a close, it remains uncertain what the final outcome of this COP on the issue will be. There have been many hours of discussion and many hours of work. To date, the parties involved are close to an agreement on... Read More
During the first week of COP26 an important theme of some side events is nature-based solutions (NbS). It has been treated in different ways both in official events and in those organized by the civil society. The definitions of nature-based solutions were defined by IUCN in 2016 as “actions to protect, sustainably... Read More
With the commitments made by countries during the first week of COP26, for the first time one of the two goals of the Paris Agreement – to keep the increase in global average temperature within +2°C by the end of the century compared to pre-industrial levels – could be met.... Read More
“All-in”, on all tables. There is no better metaphor than extreme poker to define the current policy of the British government, organizer with Italy of COP26, with respect to the ongoing negotiations. The strategy is clear: where it is not possible to go under in terms of ambition, consensus building,... Read More
The 2015 Paris Agreement binds the 196 signatory countries to keep the average global temperature well below 2°C, with the ambition not to exceed 1.5°C. The path to the 1.5°C target, however, is not easy: it requires to halve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (compared to 2010) by 2030 and to... Read More
One of the still unresolved issues of the Paris Agreement concerns the definition of the non-market mechanisms contained in Art. 6 which contemplates possible cooperation paths through which the Parties can interact voluntarily with the aim of achieving the objectives of mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer, knowledge sharing and capacity... Read More
We care about our planet and we want to act for the climate!
We are a non-profit association created to tackle the climate crisis and ensure a sustainable future for Italy.
Impacts on ecosystems, societies and economic activities are an increasingly urgent problem that affects us all, without exception. For this reason we are working to ensure that the climate change becomes a priority in the public debate and occupies a central role in the national political agenda.
We are engaged on a daily basis in education, dissemination and advocacy activities, which aim to combine scientific rigor and the ability to address different audiences.
We collaborate with other associations, local groups, companies and public authorities, both at an Italian and international level, in the belief that the answer to this great challenge can only be collective.
We have been working since 2011, valuing the commitment of many people, and we will continue to do so to promote the change we need.
Help us build a better society, especially attentive to future generations!