Italian Climate Network Onlus is made of a group of volunteers committed to raise awareness on climate change. We work to build an inclusive and empowering movement that will lead to positive changes in the society, covering as many aspects as possible of the climate change issue.

We truly believe that the climate crisis can be solved

Discover what we do and how you can sustain our activities. If you want to make a donation, click on the button below and follow the instructions:

You can also make a volunteer donation to support our activities with a bank transfer:
Reason: “Donazione Volontaria
IBAN IT86N0501803200000011395928 – Banca Etica
To: “Italian Climate Network”

You are donating to : Italian Climate Network

How much would you like to donate?
€10 €20 €30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
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