The main objective of the “Climate and Education” section is to actively involve under-30s in the activities related to the association aims. The section intends to collaborate with international youth movements dedicated to climate and it intends to propose specific actions to improve youth knowledge as far as climate change is concerned, and to involve youth in social innovation initiatives.
ICN’s School Project has been active since 2011 and is aimed primary at secondary school students (ages 11-19).
It aims to spread a right understanding of climate change and its context. In particular, ICN emphasizes how closely climate, energy and sustainable development are linked to the economic sphere, international relations, human rights, health and welfare, and migration.
Since 2011, Italian Climate Network has met with more than 6,000 boys and girls from Italian primary and secondary schools.
ICN has conceived the educational path for primary schools Mission clean air, as part of the Air and Climate Plan of the Municipality of Milan.
OK!Clima – A tangible climate is a training and research project focusing on communication of climate change and addressing researchers, journalists, as well as secondary and high school teachers.
The awareness raising activities that ICN carries out in Italian schools are an important component of the pan-European project Climate Action by EU Citizens Delivers for Development (ClimACT), funded by the European Union for the period 2020-2024.