Discover who we are: experts and volunteers who make Italian Climate Network projects and activities possible.

Serena Giacomin

Physics degree, specialized in Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology. Senior Meteorologist and Climatologist. Lecturer and science communicator. Author.

Matteo Reale
Vice-President and treasurer

Founder. I’m business advisor in marketing, innovation and sustainability. Former marketing manager and editor.

Elisa Palazzi

Associate professor at the Department of Physics, University of Turin where she teaches Physics of Climate. Her research activity involves the study of climate and its changes in mountain regions, sentinels of climate change. Conducts science outreach on climate and climate change issues for schools and adult audiences.

Riccardo Rossella

Project manager and campaigner, I have been working on climate, sustainability and human rights for non-profit and international organizations.

Marirosa Iannelli
Climate & Advocacy

Coordinator of Climate and Advocacy department, board member. Environmental project manager, specialized in international cooperation, water management, communication. President of Water Grabbing Observatory

Jacopo Bencini

Expert on climate diplomacy and UNFCCC negotiations, Jacopo currently works as research associate at the European University Institute. He has collaborated with the EU Commission, African Union, IDOS, Chatham House and provided trainings for RAI, ISPI, Will media and others. He has been active in ICN since 2017.

Maria De Pasquale
Climate & Education

Geographer. Before working on climate change, I worked extensively as a project manager in international cooperation projects and for a culture of peace. Coordinator of the Climate and Education section.

Erika Moranduzzo
Climate & Rights

Law graduate specializing in International Human Rights Law, she works on the intersection of climate change impacts and enjoyment of human rights with a particular focus on gender inequalities. Currently a researcher at the University of Leeds on environmental migration. She is the Coordinator of the ‘Climate and Rights’ Department and advisor on gender issues.

Francesca Casale
Volunteer coordinator

An environmental engineer and researcher at Milan Polytechnic, she studies the effects of climate change on hydrology. She is coordinator of the ICN volunteer group, participates in negotiations and the school project.

Valeria Capettini

I work as a journalist, and in the Italian Climate Network team I have been managing the association’s social media communication since 2021.

Andrea Vico

Journalist since 1989, I have been scattering passion for science and storytelling and technology and the environment for 35 years. An author on RAI, I have written 20 or so science popularization books for children, am a communications consultant for museums, nature parks and festivals, and invent subversive educational projects.

Rudi Bressa

Environmental and science journalist since 2011. I collaborate with various national and international newspapers. I write about climate crisis, ecological transition and nature conservation. I have published several investigations on wildlife trafficking. I wrote “Wildlife Traffickers” (Codici edizioni, 2024).

stefano caserini italian climate network
Stefano Caserini

Founder. Adjunct professor of “Mitigation of Climate Change” at University of Parma. Author of “A qualcuno piace caldo” a show on climate change.

Elena Bonapace

Milan Branch Coordinator. Expert in Communication, Climate Leader since 2012 for The Climate Reality Project, I have been working in the ICN School Project since 2014.

GALLI VALERIA italian climate network
Valeria Galli

Degree in Public Relations, a Postgraduate Course in Press Office and Media Relations with Sole 24 Ore Training, I have been working in communication for 20 years.

Camilla Pollera

Graduated in International Relations with a Master’s degree in Human Rights Law. My research area focuses on the impact climate change has on human rights.

Aurora Audino

Environmental and land engineer, graduate with honours in Turin and Stockholm. I delivered environmental strategies for the European Parliament. I am passionate about sustainability.

Margherita Barbieri

Expert in sustainability, circular economy and marketing. Graduated in International Relations, she coordinates the World Economic Forum’s circular economy Scale360° initiative in Turin.

Cecilia Consalvo

I am studying Climate, Society And Economics at Wageningen University.

Teresa Giuffrè

Translation Project Manager at the European Parliament. Interested in international relations, climate diplomacy and mitigation.

Giulia Nardi

MSc graduate in Sustainable Chemistry mostly focused on CO2 capture and utilization. I am part of the organizing team of the Italian LCOY since 2020 and I collaborate with ICN since 2021.

Federica Pastore

Master Degree in Environmental Economics & Policies. I´ve attended several COP and I was the coordinator of ICN´s Project School. I currently volunteer in the Climate & Human Rights department.

Rachele Rizzo

Sustainability and climate change professional with experience on carbon mitigation strategies, climate negotiations, environmental management systems and sustainability reporting.

Klarisa Stafa

Master student in International Relations and European Studies. Passionate about issues related to energy security, climate diplomacy, and the protection of human rights.

Elisa Terenghi

Atmospheric physicist and meteorologist, I work as a climate risk expert at Centro Epson Meteo and as an environmental consultant at Rete Clima. For both, I write of energy and climate.

Samuele Giovanardi

Master Degree in Chemistry and technologies for the environment and renewable energies, 2nd level master course in counter-terrorism. Passionate about environment and people protection. I currently work as a senior consultant in Deloitte Climate & Sustainability.

Silvia Mugnaini

A graduate student in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, I am a PhD candidate in Education and Psychology. My area of research is sustainability in the Third Sector. I collaborate with ICN’s school project.

Caterina Vetrugno

An Urban Resilience Consultant experienced in systemic design, urban metabolism and circular economy, Caterina works on the spatial impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities. Currently Project Manager for the City of Milan for the European project Energy Poverty Zero.

Paolo Della Ventura

Master’s degree in Finance and Management Control, University of Pisa. Ambassador of the European Commission’s European Climate Pact since October 2021. Climate activist, in love with onshore and offshore wind. Creator and owner of, thematic site on climate policy and renewable energy. Born with CO2 325 ppm.

Cloe Mirenda

Anthropologist and PhD in Sustainability Science. Expert in Gender and Climate, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Latin America. I am involved in research, training and consulting. I collaborate in ICN’s School Project.

Cecilia Robellini

Graduated in Law and specialized in Sustainable Management, with dedicated focus on Human Rights Due Diligence.
She has been a freelance journalist since 2020. She works as Sustainability Specialist and communications expert. In ICN she is part of the Climate and Rights section.

Valentina Acquafredda

A cultural anthropologist with a master’s degree in African Studies and experience working with international cooperation, I am a doctoral candidate in Global Studies at the University of Urbino. As part of my doctoral program, I am conducting research in Ethiopia regarding climate policies and perceptions of climate change in some rural areas of the country.

Giorgia Ivan

Biological Science and Technology graduate student at the University of Trieste. Social divulger of biodiversity and climate crisis, and aspiring science journalist.
Passionate about anything to do with biodiversity, oceans and poles.

Maria Letizia Filippi

A geologist with a Ph.D. in paleoclimatology and a master’s degree in “Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Actions,” I spend my skills and knowledge in science consulting and training on climate and environmental issues for companies and in schools, as well as organizing conferences/events and leading groups on geological exploration trips. I am also involved in digital education and the impact of digital on climate.

Annalisa Barozzi

Chemical engineering graduate from the University of Bologna with a thesis from NC State University, Raleigh (US), I have been working in the pharmaceutical industry since 2018. Today I am involved in the introduction of technologically advanced production facilities.
Passionate about corporate sustainability and combating the climate crisis, I have been an ICN volunteer since 2023.

Alice Rotiroti

Graduate student in International and Diplomatic Sciences and master’s student in Climate Studies. Passionate about climate justice, sustainable development and international relations.

Bruna Anzà

Bruna is a medicinal chemist with a passion for food chemistry and nutrition. A member of the University of Cambridge’s Alternative Protein Committee and on the board of the Agricoltura Cellulare Italia association, which works to accelerate the progress of cellular agriculture in Italy by fostering scientific dissemination and national and international cooperation.

Sebastian Brocco

Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Science at the Forest-Lab of the State University of Milan, he is involved in modeling in ecology. Passionate about the study of ecosystem services and the effects of climate change on plant communities.

Rebecca Altomare

Graduate student in Political Science and Social Science and master’s student in Economics of Environment, Culture and Territory. Interested in exploring the intrinsic link between social issues and environmental issues.

Marco Pennacchi

Graduate in data science and economics. I am passionate about the environment and Artificial Intelligence. I am interested in how new technologies, finance and ecological transition can work together.

Francesco Crisanto

Graduated in Environmental Engineering, today I work as a Climate Strategy Consultant for companies.

Alessio Castagnoli

With a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and a master’s degree in sustainable environmental remediation, I am a doctoral candidate in environmental engineering at the University of Pisa doing research in circular bioeconomy and sustainable waste management.

Lucia Giannini

Medical doctor, researcher and currently a resident in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University of Florence. Passionate about planetary health (Planetary Health) and climate justice.

Alessio Piccoli

A graduate in political science and economics, I have been pursuing a master’s degree in environmental law. I am curious to understand how public institutions organize environmental governance.

Valentino Attanasio

Graduate in Energy Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin, focused on innovation in energy production. Master’s degree in climate change, mitigation and adaptation solutions. Climate activist and volunteer, through the European Union ran a climate change awareness pilot project in rural high schools in Ghana.

Martina Compagnucci

Graduated in Law and specialized in legislation in the field of sustainable finance. Interested in developing the approach to sustainability from multiple perspectives, I am currently part of the Climate and Rights section.

Iacopo Castagnetta

Graduate in international relations and diplomacy, with main interests science diplomacy and the impact of climate change on our society. I work on international cooperation, innovation and research projects, first in social, then agricultural, and finally energy.

Anna Pelicci

Graduate in Environmental and Land Use Engineering, majoring in Remediation Technologies. Student and activist, passionate about climate change modeling, mitigation technologies and the climate-human rights relationship.

Federica Spina

Graduate student in International Studies, Development and Cooperation. I am passionate about education, sustainable development and transformations towards lower impact (whether small or large). Currently employed as Sustainability Manager at a company in the agri-tech field. I collaborate in ICN’s School Project.

Marta Abbà

Environmental and climate physicist and freelance journalist, I question and explain how science and technology can impact the environment and people. I collaborate with various newspapers and research institutions, produce reports, and organize inclusive and participatory science outreach events.

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