

The Board of Directors of the Italian Climate Network was renewed after three years in office and, at its first meeting after the election, Serena Giacomin was reconfirmed as President of the association

“I thank Italian Climate Network for the trust shown in me, and I will try to reciprocate it with commitment and a sense of responsibility. Three intense years of work lie ahead of us to strengthen our reality, but above all to increase the impact of our projects on the necessary acceleration of climate action. From schools to institutions, Italian Climate Network has now become a reference point for a correct interpretation of climate change, understood as an environmental as well as a social and economic problem. We will work with determination for an ever deeper understanding of the complexity of the systemic crisis underway, shedding light on the many possible solutions capable of leading us towards a better future, one that is fair, just, and rich in opportunities,” – declared Giacomin.

In addition to her, Matteo Reale was also re-elected Vice President.

On the other hand, there is a new addition to the Executive Board. She is Elisa Palazzi, lecturer in Climate Physics at the University of Turin: ‘It is a pleasure and an honour to be part of the Executive Board of the Italian Climate Network, which for many years has been carrying out excellent work in the field of climate change communication, rigorous and scientifically based, transversal in terms of topics and target audience. I hope to be able to bring my contribution, as a scientist and populariser; I am sure I will benefit enormously from the interaction with ICN members and colleagues on the Board.

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