The COP26 begins with the World Leader Summit, two days of discussion between principal authorities of Parties.
The Open Ceremony of the summit began with the first speech of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who reported potential impacts of climate change for an increase of temperature with respect to the preindustrial period of +2°C, +3°C and +4°C. If we wait to act, effects will be more catastrophic. It is necessary to act now, with speed and efficiency.
Also the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres restated the necessity to increase ambition during the COP26. All the countries have to propose again their goals for NDCs, without wating other 5 years. It is unthinkable that present global commitments bring to an increase of 2.7°C, we need to remain under +1.5°C. The Chancellor Angela Merkel said the same: also the civil society wait for an improvement of NDCs.
But the Prime Minister Mario Draghi highlighted the results of the last G20: leaders decided for the first time to limit the global warming to 1.5°C and to stop carbon subsidies by the end of the next year.
During the ceremony also the need to control private actions and tasks is considered to reach the climate neutrality. During the COVID-19 we learnt that the private sector could help in the process acceleration, if the governments agree. To fight against climate change we have to do the same thing. Privates are ready to work and collaborate with national governments, as the Prince of Wales Charles said.
A recurring theme during speeches and especially highlighted by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, is the finance. Climate change impacts are evident to everyone, and destruction costs are higher than prevention costs, especially for developing countries. Also in this case the private sector has to be engaged. Founds for investments are available, accordingly we need to use them rapidly. This is the assignment of the World Banks and of Development Banks, to define guidelines to invest these founds. We need to focus on the resilience and sustainable development of developing countries.
Some importance is given also to the youth action: in last years they brought the climate change to the top of the political agenda. Events like Milan Youth4Climate have to be proposed before all the COPSs, to highlight their proposal.
This is the moment to act, we know what we have to do, and the global population are asking for more crucial actions to fight against climate change, this is the conclusion of the Prince Charles. We have to act to guarantee us a future.
by Francesca Casale, ICN Volunteer at COP26
You are reading this ICN COP Bulletin article as part of the EC DEAR SPARK project. Marirosa Iannelli, Coordinator of the Climate & Advocacy Department of ICN, overviews this activity. ICN monitors negotiations and reports what is happening in Italian and English, on our website and on social channels, as part of a pan-European consortium of over 20 non-profit organizations committed to promoting climate awareness with particular attention to the role of young people and issues related to international cooperation and gender policies.