Italian Climate Network (ICN) participates to one of the projects that the Metropolitan City of Milan has designed as part of its Air and Climate Plan. In cooperation with Edizioni Ambiente, ICN has conceived the educational path Mission clean air (Missione aria pulita): taking Milan as an example, it is possible to talk about air quality and greenhouse gas leading to climate change.
This educational project targets primary school children and it includes:
– lessons in schools, where ICN experts and volunteers provide an introduction on the issue, with age appropriate contents;
– educational materials and game to be used by children in class and at home, curated by Serena Giacomin, physicist, climatologist, and president of ICN. Illustrations by Alessia Iotti; game design by Federico Latini.
Before meeting the children in class, ICN also tackles their teachers and parents, who will
support them in the daily use of the educational materials.
ICN has designed the educational path Mission clean air also as a guidance and an
additional tool for schools where AMAT/Municipality of Milan will install air quality sensors
to monitor the levels of greenhouse gas.
This project is supported by Bloomberg Philantropies.