OK!Clima – Il clima si tocca con mano / A tangible climate is a training and research project focusing on communication of climate change and addressing researchers, journalists, as well as secondary and high school teachers.
The project was designed to improve the communication of climate change in different fields, all equally relevant to our society: research, media, and education. More specifically, the project focuses on journalists and teachers, in virtue of their major role in passing on climate information to citizens and young students.
To enhance the quality of information it is essential to act in two directions: to overcome the limits of the scientific and technical language spoken by climate experts, while improving access to and understanding of scientific information by communication experts and teachers. Bearing this double process in mind, OK!Clima promotes exchanges among different actors.
Thanks to the collaboration with editor DeA Scuola, ICN has developed a series of seven free webinars of climate education, addressing teachers of secondary and high schools, with the participation of climate change scientists and expert lecturers.
OK!Clima is a project carried out by Università Statale di Milano (University of Milan), Università degli Studi di Pavia (University of Pavia) and Italian Climate Network, in close collaboration with Climate Media Center Italia, DeA Scuola and the scientific news magazine Scienza in rete.
With the support of Fondazione Cariplo.