The project on air quality and climate change born as part of the City of Milan’s Climate Air Plan is preparing to expand in the coming school year.
For the second year running, Italian Climate Network has intervened in primary schools in Milan and Lombardy to talk about pollution and climate change. In our school meetings we introduce and explore both issues, distinguishing them from each other. We don’t just talk about what doesn’t work, we also focus on how we can tackle the problems and what solutions can already be implemented, individually and as a community.
Between March and May 2024, we met with over 1,000 children, in 53 different classes, almost all of them in the Metropolitan City of Milan (47 classes). However, we have ‘gone beyond’ with three meetings in Bergamo and a webinar in English as part of the MeteoroloKids e-Twinning project.
ICN’s Missione Aria Pulita project was born as a complementary activity to the air quality monitoring carried out by the Municipality of Milan and AMAT as part of the Air Climate Plan, because it offers children, teachers and families some useful tools for interpreting local urban planning and mobility policies. However, the project lends itself to extension, because the issues dealt with do not only concern Milan, and the teaching materials can also be used in other geographical contexts, where the case of Milan is taken as one of the examples and the discourse is extended to the local reality, which the children know well and tell us about during the meetings.
What’s cooking in the pot for the 2024/2025 school year?
We are working on posters for secondary schools, the result of an intense collaboration between Serena Giacomin, atmospheric physicist, meteorologist and president of ICN, and Federica Fragapane, internationally renowned information designer. We give you a small preview, certain that the final result will amaze you!
For secondary schools in the Milan Metropolitan City, plenary meetings with expert speakers from ICN can be organized. Interested in or want to suggest a school? Write to us at scuole@italiaclima.org.
Meetings for primary schools will also continue, both in the first and second term. If you teach in Italy, you can already apply by filling in this form. In September we will organize a presentation webinar for teachers, to answer your questions and give you all the information you need to have an enriching experience with your classes, using the teaching materials provided during the meetings as a starting point.
For classes that we cannot reach in person, we offer support to teachers who choose to download and use the teaching materials themselves during their own classroom lessons. Don’t forget to write to us to tell us how it went!
The Clean Air Mission materials remain available on our website for free download. Those for secondary schools will also arrive in the autumn.