Italy supports intergenerational equity in the COP21 text
Today, the Italian Minister of the Environment, H.E. Gian Luca Galletti, took a stand in favor of Intergenerational Equity by signing a Declaration – submitted by Italian Climate Network – in order to officially support the presence of the principle in the negotiating text currently discussed at COP21.
“Italy fully endorses the mention of Intergenerational Equity within the Paris agreement. We have to ensure young and future generations the same opportunities we can benefit from today”, the Minister said.
“We thank the Minister for his support to the principle of intergenerational equity, particularly important at this stage of the negotiations” – added Veronica Caciagli, President of Italian Climate Network – “We hope this can also represent the first step towards a greater youth engagement within decision-making processes concerning the climate and, hence, their future – she concluded.